The Charlotte Center City 2020 Vision Plan planning and design process began in September 2009, with a Draft Plan made available Summer 2011. The interactive and engaging public process has provided integral direction for a successful Draft Plan and has resulted in a vision for the Center City that reflects the entire community. Opportunities for participation included stakeholder interviews, working groups, community workshops, a local professional charette and several meetings with the steering and technical committees.
The consultant team presented the Draft Plan to the project's Technical Committee, followed by a review by the Plannnig Commission in May and review by the City's Transportation and Planning Committee on June 20th. The Draft Plan and its recommendations have been well received and will be reviewed by the City Council on July 25th, 2011.
The Charlotte Center City 2020 Vision Plan provides a development framework and planning recommendations for the center of the Charlotte region. This effort encompasses more than Uptown by focusing on connecting adjacent neighborhoods and breaking down the I-277 barrier. In uncertain economic times it becomes even more critical that there is a plan for the region’s economic engine. The Plan provides direction and sets priorities for leveraging finite resources. The planning process inspires public and private partnerships and fosters collaborations within and beyond Center City.